Sunday, February 14, 2010

Waiting for Laundry to Dry

How boring, eh?  The last load of wash is in the dryer and I am surfing around enjoying the internet while I wait.

I think it would be a grand idea to post a picture of my recent trip to the Czech Republic.  I have about one third of them loaded on this machine so I think I'll try my luck and see if I can get one stuck in this blog some how.  Here we go...

It worked!  I'm so happy I could do a little dance.  Instead I'll tell you a bit about the photo.

This is the view of the city square in Chomutov.  The steepled building in the background is the biggest church I saw in the town.  The white tent about midway in the photo was put up after we'd been there for about three days.  Each night a different performace was held in the tent.  Most of the entertainment was performed by local school children. 

The small brown structure just behind the first car is a temporary store front for a fish monger.  It is my understanding that people in this part of the country only eat fish for Christmas dinner.  So, a few weeks before the holiday these buildings are erected and several huge blue plastic tubs are filled with cold water.  Then come the fish, somehow by magic I think.  Huge carp appear in the tubs and then the shoppers show up.  They select a fish and the owner of the stall cleans and packages it for the supper of the lucky diner.  I watched this happen for days, the men stayed all night and I never saw a single fish delivered to the square though many dozens left in tidy paper packages.

Just to make sure it wasn't a fluke I uploaded another photo.  This was a holiday art exhibit that we saw one evening as we were walking to dinner.  I believe the entire thing is made of straw.  Somewhere in my photos I have some pictures of live sheep that were just beyond the field of vision of the first photo I posted.  I thought this was one of those photos, but apparently I was mistaken. 

I will try to get the remainder of the photos into my computer tomorrow and will post a few more photos regularly until I have them all available to you.  I hope you enjoy these two in the mean time.


Ellen said...

I like your story Karen, it made me smile ;)

Karen said...

Thank you Ellen, for taking time to visit, and for leaving my first comment. :)